Saturday, 8 March 2014

RIMS is NOT a drawing room of your ancestral property!!

                                                     To whomsoever it may concern

The impasse prevailing in the ‘reputed’ Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) is allegedly turning out to be an outcome of ‘kitchen administration’. It is so unfortunate that a family is trying to run a government hospital just like their household kitchen! So much so that, now, Mr D is defying all the orders of higher authorities to appoint a vital employee for the medical institute, because of reasons very well-known to everyone.

Well, the news item that occupied the front page headline of some esteemed newspapers a week ago, that said:  “Appointment of Superintendent in RIMS: Director accused of sitting on directives from Health Ministry”, caught the eyeballs of each and everyone - called ‘Public’ (whom Mr D thinks as fools!).

Not only the above news, people of this region has been hearing and witnessing news and infamous works of Mr. D. It is so an act of shame that Mr D has been trying to run or running this government hospital as if it is his private clinic or some sort of that. It is beyond imagination that how can a person of such position extensively misuse and abuse this noble institute!! For God’s sake, RIMS is a healthcare system, only second to God’s administration, how can you treat such a noble system as a ‘Goldmine’?  

We all know that in this country everyone sitting at a commanding position has been some way or other taking advantage of that position, which is very unfortunate. However, Mr D has crossed all the limits! And we all know what those limit are! Well, just a stroll at the RIMS campus and one will notice the unnecessary constructions happening in the name of development! Public are not fools that we don’t know what development is!! Constructions mean money flowing in! Yes, Mr. D, we are not chicken-heads!!! To us, development means:
Ø  Taking care of every single patient’s needs!
Ø  Providing proper medications and services on time!
Ø  Not letting us go to mushrooming private hospitals for surgeries!
Ø  Providing us with well-maintained hospital rooms whose roofs do not fall on us!
Ø  Providing beds to every patients !
Ø  Not using plain water in place of spirit while injecting dextrose or other medicines!
Ø  And the list of development doesn’t end here! And it for sure doesn’t mean mindless constructions and useless fencings!!

In the name of development, Mr D has also formed many committees wherein his better halve is there in almost every committee (read it in the above article on TSE). Should we call it co-incidence or should we assume that Mr D and his family are very good administrators? Well, if they think they are so good in administration, then why didn’t they become a bureaucrat or politician?? Why they chose the noble profession of medical? They must keep this is mind that they are doctors first and administrators later!  In fact, all doctors should treat their profession on priority basis! However, it is not a denying fact that these days doctors are running after money! Mushrooming private hospitals are the live examples! Nevertheless, those not running their private hospitals think that they can extract money from the government ones in the name of development! Appointment of staffs, building mindless buildings, ‘buying’ instruments and forming committees among others are the means to extract big sums from the government!

And here is our ‘loving’ and ‘active’ government letting all the above things happen right under its nose! It was disheartening to know that the government learnt about the above matter only when a generous MLA tabled the matter on the assembly floor (referring to TSE’s news “Health Ministry's recommendation for MS RIMS Director's defiance rattles Assembly”) If this lethargic attitude of government continues, then how can we see a developed healthcare system which is an integral part of any society? Nevertheless, as they say, ‘better late than never’, so let’s see if this issue, which has become a talk of the town, gets resolved or gets dumped! Only time will tell. However, as an integral part of we, the public, I would like to request everyone to not sleep over this issue or any other issues of such kinds in present or in future per se! Come on, let’s unite in uprooting evils in the society!

Again, to whomsoever it may concern: RIMS is NOT a drawing room of your ancestral property that you can walk in and walk out anytime and do whatever you want! Indeed, RIMS belongs to public and it would be good for everyone if it functions for the welfare of public! So, stop lying to the public for “Truth always triumphs”!

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