Saturday, 15 March 2014

Get ready for the Summer

Each and every year it seems like we come out of winter hibernation with a few extra pounds to shed or some extra bodyfat percentages to drop. It is now time to get into rock-solid, beach-ready shape for some great summer fun and sunshine or at least get into clothes that suits you best!

Here are some easy steps to tighten up those loose muscles and get rid of the belly fat that you see around your waist:

  • Eat right and cut down on calories. Have enough proteins throughout the day to make sure your body is not starving. Vitamins and minerals are also necessary so start taking supplements if you already have not done yet. Make sure you have fruits and greens on your diet.
  • Walk at least 1000 steps a day if you do not exercise or play a sport. This will ensure that you keep burning those extra calories in your body.
  • Drink lots of water. As temperatures go up, you want to make sure that your body is kept well hydrated.
  • Staying motivated is extremely important. Tag a friend along so you can motivate each other and get yourselves enrolled into a gym. 
  • Always remember, health is lifestyle. If you do not have time on your watch for planning a healthy life, you will not get time to enjoy your earnings. This is not just the future but the present as well. You will fall ill and not have fun with friends and family if your body is unhealthy. 

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